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This is the results of my own business assessment without the detailed items for each number.
In the gym, where I can determine my progress (or lack of it), each station tests my strength for a particular area. As you know, there are leg, arm, chest, and back exercise stations. In all, I probably have about 12 stations that I use, not counting the stretching or running.
Similar to working out at the gym, this business assessment is a measurement of the progress to date. As you can see, the red items need immediate attention for the whole system to perform at optimal levels.
Again like the gym, each workout is like an assessment. Because my workout is at least once a week, I can measure my progress and where I need to improve. There are many factors that may also come into play that affect the results, like injuries, illness, day/time and even moods.
While your business may not seem to change that often, it does have momentum, forwards or backwards.
We're offering this free business assessment at bizmasteryinstitute.com
My suggestion: Take it every month!
You will receive a confidential assessment reply via email and an invitation to discuss this with a coach.
Enjoy your business,