FUNK is too broad of a catch all phase for being at less than a peak experience or performance.
The distinctions could be a physical FUNK or mental FUNK or emotional FUNK or financial FUNK or even a spiritual FUNK. There may be other FUNKs, however, these are the major checkstones that I use for checking and elevating myself and my clients to a peak state.
What came to mind for me, as I thought this through, was Vince Lombardi's quote, “Fatigue makes cowards of us all.” Substitute FUNK for Fatigue and you now have, “FUNK makes cowards of us all.”
At the base of all FUNKs, is the fatigue FUNK. Easy to resolve that, just rest and recover quickly. I do this periodically throughout the day.
The other FUNKs will have appropriate recovery steps or processes depending on the individual and their experiences. Some recoveries have been mentioned already in this forum.
My favorite FUNK recovery process, after resting and recovering quickly, is the LAP (Logical Alignment Process). As an athlete, laps were used as a reward and punishment for athletic behavior. It worked then. Doing a different type of LAP works for me and my clients now.
The key to the LAP is daily consistency. I've been doing this LAP on a daily basis for weeks and I have noticed that my performance has improved even on days that are challenging. This has translated into a strong sense of confidence and certainty for me, regardless of my circumstances.
Each of you could probably develop your own LAP from the experiences and techniques that you may have discovered.
My own LAP works for me and I'll continue to take a LAP until something even better comes along.
So, for many of you start your day with a LAP..!
Rocky Romero Business is discipline, and discipline is excellence, and excellence is freedom!