For more information, please e-mail Ryan Scharfer, our chapter Vice President of Marketing and Public Relations.
...And feel free to ask our other members for information on our program, and to answer any questions you may have when you attend our meeting!
Current Officers for Extreme Toastmasters Fall, 2008:
President: Julia Chung
VP Education: Tim Wilson
VP Membership: Ryan Scharfer
VP Public Relations: Melissa Manning
Secretary: Maxine Godar
Treasurer: Ed Erickson
Sgt at Arms: Ben Hollis
Past Officers for Extreme Toastmasters Spring, 2008:
(Jan 1 - June 31, 2008):
President Ed Ericson
VP Education Steve Pavilanis
VP Marketing Pat Lee
VP Membership Tim Wilson
Treasurer Julia Chung
Secretary Jim Condon
Past Officers for Extreme Toastmasters 2007:
(July 1 - December 31, 2007):
President - Pat Lee
VP Education - David Kim
VP Membership - Julia Chung
VP Marketing - John Foley
Treasurer - Ed Erickson
Secretary - Jim Condon
Sergeant at Arms - Ryan Scharfer
(Jan 1 - June 31, 2007):
* Tim Wilson, President
* Brendan Tripp, VP Education
* Sara Hall, VP Marketing
* Edward Erickson, VP Membership
* John Foley, Chief Financial Officer (CFO)
* Ryan Scharfer, Chief Hospitality Officer (CHO)
* Colleen Carter-Lawson, Chief Information Officer (CIO)
Honorary Officers:
* Kealah Parkinson, VP Communication
* Dino Northway, Starbucks Ambassador (SA)
(January 1 to July 1, 2007):
Extreme Toastmasters Club - Club #595201, District #30
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